Friday, January 29, 2010

Greg Simkins; I'm so scared!

Has anyone seen the artwork of Greg Simkins? I 'stumbled' upon it one day on another persons blog. They had acquired a collection of various paintings done by the artist, and his eccentric style absolutely intrigues me. Whether they are scenes from a childrens storybook, or a twisted recreation of a more modern fabrication, you will not be able to avoid just stopping to gawk for awhile. At least this is the way I feel about it. A bit on the dark side of the spectrum it of course appeals to me, but there is also a sort of "innocent" and comedic undertone shining through the seams. I would not call it low brow, but some people might be reminded of that particular style from time to time. His is something all together unique, and I am not sure how to describe it. It's just something you have to see for yourself. If you like his artwork you can always visit his website and see the rest of the gallery on-line, which includes his paintings, drawings, and graffiti art.

What a cute URL! ^__^

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